January 15,
Jo Good standing in a blue blouse with Estee Lauder products in hand

Invisible? Never. Jo Good feels more seen than ever, and it’s younger people who notice her the most – whether it’s for her colourful sense of style or her “cool aunt” energy.

We asked the broadcaster and actress what getting older means to her, from closing generational gaps to embracing each life chapter.

I’ve never felt invisible

“I don’t think of myself as old. I feel exactly the same as I did when I was younger!

“Attitudes towards ageing have changed completely in my lifetime. The generation before me were made to feel that they were “invisible middle-aged women.” I’ve never had that! I’ve never felt more relevant or been more appreciated.”

The generation gap is closing

“I work with young people who see me as one of them. We see the same films and go to the same places and bars. The generation gap is narrowing and narrowing and soon, there won’t be one: it’ll just be a journey.”

Let kindness be your guide

“My mum passed away at the age of 99, and I don’t think she felt like she was ageing. She taught me humility – it’s what I strive for, to be humble and kind. They’re two of the important qualities for all generations and ages.”

Choose your own path

“All of my friends have children and I love them, but I never wanted any of my own. I suppose I’m seen as the ‘cool aunt’. I take them out and we just… gossip!”

I’m only just getting started

“There’s so much I still want to do! I’d love my own social-media series to explore my age group further. I want to take a look at what’s gone on to get us to this point, and where we’re going next. There are so many women whose stories have never been told.

“Just ride the wave and focus. Each chapter is to be enjoyed.”

We asked five incredible women what getting older means to them, from becoming more confident to embracing new beginnings. Watch the #BecauseOfMyAge series here.
